by | Jun 2, 2020 | MOTHERHOOD

I have never been a runner, and to be honest, I have never enjoyed running. However, when I was pregnant with twins, it’s like I was a prisoner to my body. At around 31 weeks, walking to even get the mail at the end of my driveway was painful and by 35 weeks, I wasn’t even able to do this. I craved the ability to be able to move again. The thought of running outside felt so freeing and I started to crave it. I thought about it every day. When I got my 6 weeks clearance from my doctor to start exercising, I was so mentally ready to start again.

I needed something to follow and also something that would start me off slow. Not only because I just had a baby but also because I wasn’t an experienced runner. I did find the beginning of this program to be very easy, but my mind might have been more ambitious than my body. I didn’t jump ahead and followed the steps and I’m so glad I did. I never got injured or hurt myself and it also advanced very quickly where I soon missed those easier days 🙂

I’m happy to say that I did it, I was able to run 20 minutes after 30 days, so the plan works! What’s next? I have downloaded the app “Couch to 5km”. I am starting to really enjoy this running business 🙂

If you are interested in getting into running and are just a beginner, or just had a baby and have to start slow, give this 30-day plan below a shot! If you are planning on starting this postpartum, I know the big question is when do you start? I get asked this all the time! My advice….everybody is different and listen to your body. When you feel mentally ready, make sure you get the clearance from not just a doctor but also a pelvic floor specialist. This can be 6 weeks after baby or it can be 6 months. Don’t put pressure on yourself as having a baby is no joke. With my daughter, I waited for 4 months and with my twins, I waited 6 weeks. But again when I started it was because I was craving movement, not because I felt like I had too.  Plus, if you start too early, not only will it make it less enjoyable, stressful, and be a higher risk of you getting injured,  but increase your chances you will quit.

Set yourself up for success and make exercise enjoyable!

30 Days plan to get you running 20 minutes

Day 1: Run 1 minute, walk 5 minutes, 3 times

Day 2: Run 1 minutes, walk 4 minutes, 3 times

Day 3: Rest

Day 4: Run 2 minutes, walk 4 minutes, 3 times

Day 5: Run 3 minutes, walk 3 minutes, 3 times

Day 6: Rest

Day 7: Run 4 minutes, walk 2 minutes, 3 times

Day 8: Run 5 minutes, walk 2 minutes, 3 times

Day 9: Rest

Day 10: Run 6 minutes, walk 2 minutes, 3 times

Day 11: Run 7 minutes, walk 2 minutes, 2 times

Day 12: Rest

Day 13: Run 8 minutes, walk 2 minutes, 2 times

Day 14: Run 9 minutes, walk 2 minutes, 2 times

Day 15: Rest

Day 16: Run 10 minutes, walk 2 minutes, 2 times

Day 17: Run 10 minutes, walk 2 minutes, 2 times

Day  18: Rest

Day 19: Run 12 minutes, walk 2 minutes, Run 6 minutes

Day 20: Run 12 minutes, walk 2 minutes, Run 5 minutes

Day 21: Rest

Day 22: Run 14 minutes, walk 2 minutes, Run 5 minutes

Day 23: Run 14 minutes, walk 2 minutes, Run 5 minutes

Day 24: Rest

Day 25: Run 16 minutes, walk 1 minute, run 4 minutes

Day 26: Run 16 minutes, walk 1 minute, run 4 minutes

Day 27: Rest

Day 28: Run 18 minutes, walk 1 minute, run 3 minutes

Day 29: Run 18 minutes, walk 1 minute, run 3 minutes

Day 30: Rest

Day 31: Run 20 minutes!!!
